Pain management: finding a new balance

Pain management

How best to react to chronic pain? This is the question that will occupy us in this chapter. Here again, it will be necessary to play on two fronts at the same time: to reduce the pain and, at the same time, to invest in a way of life which takes into account the presence of pain.

 It will therefore never be only a question of taking a treatment. This section will introduce ideas generally considered helpful in helping people with chronic pain deal with their situation in new ways. The mere reading of this text will not allow us to make a lasting commitment in the directions indicated; it will just shed some light in informative terms.

 Going further will require work on oneself in the face of which some may be immediately open and others show resistance. Accompaniment by a therapist or a team can facilitate this demanding work. The first step will be to recognize the chronic nature of his condition, that is to say to access the idea of ​​living differently.

This is already a curious idea, out of step with the usual expectations of pain resolution. It is not easy, neither for the doctor nor for the patient, to feel at what moment it is necessary to cross the threshold between the perspective of healing and that of “dealing with it”.

It is also quite normal to go through a certain period of hesitation between the two perspectives before it becomes clear that it is the second which is essential. out of step with the usual expectations of pain resolution. It is not easy, neither for the doctor nor for the patient, to feel at what moment it is necessary to cross the threshold between the perspective of healing and that of “dealing with it”.

It is also quite normal to go through a certain period of hesitation between the two perspectives before it becomes clear that it is the second which is essential. out of step with the usual expectations of pain resolution.

It is not easy, neither for the doctor nor for the patient, to feel at what moment it is necessary to cross the threshold between the perspective of healing and that of “dealing with it”.

It is also quite normal to go through a certain period of hesitation between the two perspectives before it becomes clear that it is the second which is essential.

There is no simple and direct solution in the event of persistent pain, as we have just said at the end of the previous chapter…

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